If you love to maintain a lush green lawn at your home then you need to invest money to buy necessary equipment and tools which will be essential to maintain your lawn.
Besides your top dressing lawn equipment, following are few list of must have equipment that you need to buy.
- Vehicle
This will be one of your biggest investments and if you own a truck then you can avoid buying it. This will be needed for carrying various equipments needed time to time.
- Utility trailer
You must buy this if you have plenty of equipment and will not prefer to hoist it up again and again into your truck or van.
- Storage facility
If you have an additional garage space then you can use it for your storage facility, other wise you have to create this place in your backyard.
- Safety equipment
As per the local law, you need to protect your ears as lawn equipment can generate 95 decibels of noise, which can cause hearing damage.
- Lawn mowers
You can get many different varieties of mowers in the market which often come with few useful attachments like mulchers or side catchers which can make the job much easier. For bigger jobs, riding mower will be needed.
- Snow removal equipment
During winter seasons, you will also need snow plow attached to your truck or snow blade for the lawn mower.
- Spreaders and sprayers
If you prefer to stick only to mowing, even then it will be a good idea, if you can offer fertilizer also as an additional service. For that, you may need to broadcast granular spreader that will also disperse the fertilizer.
- Trimmer, blower, edger and hedge trimmer
Trimmer is needed on order to reach grass which grows in places where the mower cannot reach, for example around the trees or near mailbox posts.
- Digging tools
Following few digging tools will be needed
- Square and pointed edged shovels
- Spade
- Spading fork
- Hoe
- Pick
- Mattock
- Hoses
- Dandelion tool
- Cutting tools
Following cutting tools can be purchased
- Pruners
- Loppers
- Pruning saw
- Hedge shears
- Blade sharpener
- Grading tools
Following grading tools are needed
- Lawn roller
- Hand tamper
- Power tamper
- Vibratory plate compactor
- Measuring tools
Following measuring tools are must
- Sighting level
- Tape measure
- Measuring wheel
- Marking tools
Following few marking tools will be needed
- Marking paint applicator
- Chalk wheel
- Flagging tape
- Miscellaneous tools
- Sledgehammer
- Single jack
- Stake driver
- Basic carpenter’s tools